ISO 27001 - Information Security Management System
GCERT as an Accredited Certified Body by the International Accreditation Services (IAS) for ISO 27001 Information Security Management System provides high quality services to companies and organizations interested in being certified for the protection and security of the data they manage. ISO/IEC 27001 is also suitable for companies that manage information on behalf of others, such as IT outsourcing companies and may provide additional guarantee to their customers that their information is secure.ISO 27001 Information Security Management System describes the processes implemented by an organization regarding the protection of confidential data and the security of information. ISO/IEC 27001 is applicable for all organizations, large or small, from any sector. It is important especially for organizations where the protection of information is crucial, such as in the finance, telecommunications, health, public and IT sectors.
Why it is important?
Nowadays, companies increasingly rely on information systems to support their critical business processes. Loss of files, data and information, theft of confidential data and damage to critical systems and documents are the most common risks for a company which lead to serious consequences for its internal processes, including financial consequences and jeopardize its reputation.
Benefits of ISO 27001
Certifying an ISMS according to ISO/IEC 27001 requirements may provide the following benefits to an organization:
Proof from an independent source that the organizational risks are properly identified, evaluated, and managed
Proof that all information stored, processed by, or communicated through information systems has value to the organization
Compliance with legislation related to products and services
Provides a competitive advantage by meeting contractual requirements and demonstrating to the organization’s customers that the security of their information are protected
Proof of the existence of a formal and functional information security management system
Improving company’s reliability and confidentiality
Dealing with the organizational threats and opportunities
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